PolyTripper - Portuguese Conjugations
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Regular / Irregular / Conjugations


Regular Verbs / Irregular Verbs

to fit

caber  to fit

to register/sign up

cadastrar  to register/sign up

to fall

cair  to fall

to walk/hike

caminhar  to walk/hike

to sing

cantar  to sing

to call

chamar  to call

to annoy/upset

chatear  to annoy/upset

to arrive

chegar  to arrive

to smell

cheirar  to smell

to cover

cobrir  to cover

to itch/scratch

coçar  to itch/scratch

to put/place

colocar  to put/place

to combine/agree

combinar  to combine/agree

to start

começar  to start

to eat

comer  to eat

to understand

compreender  to understand

to conclude/finish

concluir  to conclude/finish

to check/verify

conferir  to check/verify

to know/meet

conhecer  to know/meet

to achieve/obtain

conseguir  to achieve/obtain

to fix/repair

consertar  to fix/repair

to consider

considerar  to consider

to build

construir  (to build)

to count

contar  (to count)

to contain/hold

conter  (to contain/hold)

to continue

continuar  (to continue)

to invite

convidar  (to invite)

to run

correr  (to run)

to cook

cozinhar  (to cook)

to grow

crescer  (to grow)

to create

criar  (to create)

to fulfill

cumprir  (to fulfill)

to spit

cuspir  (to spit)

226 verbs